Custom & Team Logos
If you want a different logo than one of our many stock ones, you've come to the right place. We offer customized team order logos to ensure that team pads, guards and sleeves are exactly the way they like. If you're interested in a team or personal logo, attach it below and supply your contact information and we'll contact you by the next business day so long as it complies with our logo submission policy below. Personal or team logos start at $70/pair plus shipping. We offer team pricing when ordering 10 pairs or more and price is based upon the logo, quantity and types of pads.
Logo Submission Policy
1. WE DO NOT DESIGN CUSTOM LOGOS. You must submit the final design.
2. TREDCAL may deny the use of any logo.
3. Payment is required prior to manufacturing.
4. NO REFUNDS of any kind for any reason.
5. Manufacturing can take up to 3 weeks.
6. TREDCAL does not offer any samples or art proofs.
7. We CANNOT do photo replicas.
8. Intricate logos will not be considered and some logos must be minimally altered.
9. TREDCAL will not manufacture trademarked items accept for the trademark owner or a valid licensee. WE WILL NOT RESPOND TO ANY REQUEST OTHERWISE.
10. The cost per pair includes either the same logo or the personal/team logo on one and number (varsity font) on the other.